Forest bioeconomy

Research information intermediary and illustrative learning environment

The Forest Bioeconomy Showcase examines the entire forest bioeconomy in a new way by illuminating its various aspects. The examination includes forests and wood as sources of Finnish industrial and economic well-being, new biobased products from wood, health effects of forests, biodiversity of forests, and climate change. The content can be explored concretely at the Punkaharju Research Park and the exhibitions at the Finnish Forest Museum Lusto, as well as virtually here at

Forest Bioeconomy

Bioeconomy involves the production, use, recycling, and processing of renewable natural resources into products. Bioeconomy also includes services based on renewable natural resources. Forest bioeconomy is specific to forests, wood, forest products, and services, and it accounts for over 50 percent of the bioeconomy.

Forest sector in euros and jobs

The structure of wood and new bio-based products

The diversity of wood raw materials enables the development of new biobased products.

of forests

Natural diversity or biodiversity refers to the genetic variation within species, the abundance of species, and the diversity of habitats.

Natural products in forestry

Natural products have always held a strong position in our culture. We utilize the bounty of the forest by collecting millions of kilograms of berries and mushrooms for our own use each year. Natural products also have great significance for the business sector.

Forest Tree Breeding

In forest improvement, the genetics of seeds and seedlings used in forestry are enhanced through plant breeding techniques. The goal is to increase tree growth and improve their quality—without forgetting climate and damage resilience.

Future renewable energy sources

Forest bioenergy encompasses all energy derived from wood-based forest sources and is a significant part of the future portfolio of renewable energy sources.


According to research, even a short stay in the forest increases both physical and mental well-being.

Explore the forest virtually

Through the Virtual Forest implemented by our partner Stora Enso, forest owners can explore forest management in a completely new way, virtually. There is also a virtual forest available at the Punkaharju Research Park.

Learning environments

The bioeconomy is connected to phenomena that have both local and global impacts, and it offers opportunities and concrete needs to actors and experts in various fields.

For research-based development of learning and learning environments, as well as various collaborative projects, the bioeconomy creates a concrete context and need.


Learn more about forest bioeconomy


Generational forest with thousand planters

At the Natural Resources Institute Finland's (Luke) Punkaharju research park, a commemorative forest is currently being planted for Finland's centenary. The first seedlings of the "Forest of Generations" were planted on Monday, August 21. The planting work will continue throughout the week.

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Robotics is entering cellular addition.

Cellular addition is expected to alleviate the shortage of spruce seedling cultivation. The Natural Resources Institute and Southeastern Finland University of Applied Sciences Xamk are seeking ways to mechanize the method. Spruce doesn't bloom every summer.

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